sexta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2015

Message to Levy: watch out what you will cut!

O que se espera de Levy é menos ideologia e mais prudência, por J. Carlos de Assis

Creio que pouca gente que acompanha economia no Brasil tem uma perspectiva muito otimista para este ano. Por um lado, teremos um ajuste macroeconômico que provavelmente custará uma retração de 2 ou mais pontos no PIB. Por outro lado, nada indica que um custo social dessa magnitude representará uma efetiva alavancagem para uma real melhoria da economia em 2016. Em suma, podemos estar entrando num ciclo longo de estagnação e contração como ocorre em vários países europeus submetidos a ajustes do tipo que se vai impor aqui.

sexta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2014

Is Petrobras Brazil's passport to the future?

As China's economic growth shrinks and its appetite for commodities diminish, various countries on South America must face the perspective of difficult years to come. These nations, whose GDP are mostly based on the exportation of these kind of goods, will probably have to tackle with increasingly comercial deficits while their GDP will continue to growing at a rather modest base. Brazil, however, may has found the key to come up with these difficult days. It's great public oil company, Petrobrás, is one of a few in the whole world that developped the technology to explore the oil that lies beneath the presalt slice on its coast. During President's Lula mandate, the Congress approved a law that allowed to Petrobras some privileges in the exploitation of the pre-salt area at Brazil's coast. These conditions may enable the country's economy to stand tall during the less prosperous times that are coming.
Saul Leblon offers us a reflexion on this subject motivated by the recent ceremony that officially closed the works of Comissão da Verdade.

quinta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2014

PAC 2: changing the face of Brazil

The great plan to enhance Brazil's infrastructure and public services achieves almost all its objectives. In december 2014, the PAC 2 (the acronym in portuguese to Growing Acceleration Programm number 2) will have accomplished 95% of its plan for this year. A enormous effort, financed by public and private funds, to build up a large package of public facilities that ranges from houses and buildings through out the country to railways and hydroelectric usines.
According to the Minister responsible for the coordination and monitoring of the actions on PAC 2, the new challenge faced by the Government is to increase the private investiments on the programm.

Here's the summing up of all these works.
Here's some images from all over the country that shows what has been accomplished until now.

quarta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2014

Where is the money to invest in Brazil?

At this article Nassif looks for the funding sources that will boost the investiments in Brazil's infrastructure for the next years. At some point, excluding any dramatic turnover of the policital situation, the earnings from the pre-salt oil explotation will enhance the funding, but there's still internal savings that could spread through real economy as soon as the macroeconomic situation seem less cloudy. These investiments shall lead steadly to the economic growth without risking to improve Brazil's external debts. A rather different situation compared to the years in which Brazil faced the difficult choice between keep going as an underdevelopped nation or being a hopelessly indebted country.

quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2014

As ideias e perspectivas de um cotado para Ministro da Fazenda

Trata de texto sobre recente apresentação feita por Nelson Barbosa

O nó górdio do desafio econômico de médio prazo é saber que medidas adotar para fazer a inflação convergir para a meta sem comprometer e, se possível, até mesmo estimular o crescimento econômico. Claramente, para isso, não será possível confiar apenas no remédio do juro como única política monetária de combate à inflação.

quinta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2014

O Jogo do Impeachment

A estratégia montada por Nassif para impedir o impeachment. Ao que parece, agora é hora do Governo mover suas peças - nomeação acertada dos Ministros, mudança de postura de Dilma, luta contra a corrupção. A oposição já armou o jogo.